American short stories

Thông tin trích dẫn: American short stories. Grey Costa. NXB Thomson, 2000.

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Author has adapted the nine stories in this book, these small treasures of Amer-ican culture and history, so they can be shared with advanced learners ofEnglish—students still learning accuracy in reading and writing their sec-ond language.The stories have been adapted to feature specific points of grammarin a meaningful context. Verb tenses, sentence patterns, and word formsare discussed and practiced in extensive exercises following each story. All the language in the grammar exercises comes from the stories, and each story uses the grammatical structures taught in the exercises.While the purpose of the book is to increase a student's reading and writing skills, the stories and the American context in which they were written are so interesting that everyone should enjoy reading American Short Stories. Rich characters, clear plots and conflicts, and surprising res-olutions make these stories enter taining to all readers, even those with lim-ited English-language skills.As students are talking, reading, and writing about the interesting Amer-ican topics central to these stories, they will be practicing troublesome gram-matical structures and learning to write accurately.


. The Fat of the Land

. South of the Slot

. The Gift of the Magi

. The only Rose

. The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky

. An Occurrence at Owl Greek Bridge

. A Curious Dream

. The Black Cat

. Rip Van Winkle