Annual edition: Labor - Management relations 05

Đánh giá về vai trò quản lý và sự liên kết các tổ chức trong xã hội. Phân tích về các vấn đề liên quan đến quan hệ lao động và các cuộc cách mạng của họ; Vấn đề sản xuất và biện pháp an toàn lao động, lý thuyết về tiền lương, phân tích các mối quan hệ công nghiệp ở Mỹ

Thông tin trích dẫn: Annual edition: Labor - Management relations 05. . NXB Mc Graw - Hill, 2006.
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Annual Editions: Labor-Management Relations 05/06 was developed to show both the breadth and depth of the labor-management relations field not only in the United States, but around the world. It provides perspectives to students from the legal issues, the managerial view, the union's view, and global views.

Since the mid-1950's, union membership has continually been declining in the United States. At the same time, employees are faced with an increasing workload; decreases in benefits and pensions; wage concessions; and the loss of jobs to outsourcing.

What is taking place within these circumstances? To better understand what is happening, Annual Editions: Labor-Management Relations 05/06 looks at the inherent struggle between labor and management as well as the legal and global contexts in which it occurs. What does the future hold for labor-management relations?

Seven units include the topics of:

Unit 1: Historical and Legal Regulation of Collective Bargaining - What is the legal framework of unionized and non-unionized workers and employers?

Unit 2: Strategies for Collective Bargaining - How do the parties involved in the relations deal with each other before, during, and after an organizing campaign?

Unit 3: Labor-Management Contract Negotiations - How are contracts negotiated, whose interests are most important, and can equitable terms be found by the parties?

Unit 4: Dispute Resolution and Administering the Relationship - How do the parties of the contract deal with each other during the life of the contract? Is there a best-way approach to managing the contractual relationship? What happens if the relationship results in a strike?

Unit 5: Public Sector Collective Bargaining - Besides the legal regulations of the public sector being different than the private sector, are there other important differences?

Unit 6: International Collective Bargaining - What does the future of collective bargaining look like in other parts of the globe? Is the exploitation of labor in lesser-developed nations an issue of concern to global citizens?

Unit 7: The Future of Labor Union Movement in the United States - Is there even a need for labor unions? What can the unions do to enhance membership? Is there a critical mass of workers that deserve union representation?