ASP.NET AJAX programmer's reference with ASP.NET 2.0 or ASP.NET 3.5

Tìm hiểu về lập trình máy tính cùng những thông tin tham khảo về ASP.NET 2.0 và ASP.NET 3.5 với web site Ajax phát triển công nghệ

Thông tin trích dẫn: AJAX programmer's reference with ASP . net 2.0 or ASP . net 3.5. Shahram Khosravi. NXB Wiley publishing, 2007.

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The book ASP.NET AJAX programmer's reference with ASP.NET 2.0 or ASP.NET 3.5 Learn about computer programming and reference information about ASP.NET 2.0 and ASP.NET 3.5 with the Ajax Technology Development Web site.

The content of the book includes 24 chapters:

Chapter 1; 2: AJAX Technologies; JavaScript Base Type Extensions.

Chapter 3: Built-In and Custom Exception Types.

Chapter 4: JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming and Type Reflection Extensions.

Chapter 5; 6: Event Programming Extensions; DOM Extensions.

Chapter 7; 8: Component Development Infrastructure; Developing Client Controls.

Chapter 9: Event Bubbling and Button Client Control.

Chapter 10; 11: Type Description Extensions; Data Classes.

Chapter 12: Client-Server Communications.

Chapter 13: Consuming Web Services Via Soap Messages.

Chapter 14: Consuming Web Services Via JSON Messages.

Chapter 15; 16: Proxy Classes; Behaviors.

Chapter 17: Script and Extender Server Controls.

Chapter 18: Web Services Bridges and Transformers.

Chapter 19: UpdatePanel and ScriptManager.

Chapter 20: Using UpdatePanel in User Controls and Custom Controls.

Chapter 21: Page Life Cycle and Asynchronous Partial Page Rendering.

Chapter 22: ASP.NET AJAX Client-Side PageRequestManager.

Chapter 23: Asynchronous Partial Page Rendering: Server Side Processing.

Chapter 24: Asynchronous Partial Page Rendering: Client-Side Processing.