Autocad 2004 Companion: Essentials of Autocad plus solid modeling

Giới thiệu về phần mềm Autocad 2004: các thao tác lệnh về file, lệnh cơ bản, thiết lập bản vẽ, căn chỉnh vật, hiển thị lệnh, lệnh vẽ 3D, ghi kích thước...

Thông tin trích dẫn: Autocad 2004 Companion :Essentials of Autocad plus solid modeling. James A. Leadh. NXB McGraw-Hill, 2005.

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The book AutoCAD 2004 Companion provides material typically covered in a one-semester AutoCAD course. It covers the essentials of 2D design and drafting as well as solid modeling. AutoCAD 2004 Companion can be used as a standalone AutoCAD text or in combination with other discipline-specific graphics texts such as Bertoline's Technical Graphics Communication or Fundamentals of Graphics Communication.

The content of the book includes: Getting started; Working with files; Draw command concepts; Selection sets; Helpful commands; Basic drawing setup; Object snap and object snap tracking; Draw commands; Modify commands; Viewing command; Layers and object properties; Advanced drawing setup; Layouts and viewports; Printing and Plotting.