Caution! Wireless Networking: Preventing a data disaster

At last, a book dedicated to alleviating the fears that users may have about the security of their wireless home network. This no-nonsense guide is for wireless home
networkers who want to protect their data from hackers, crackers, viruses, and worms. Written in non-technical language that's perfect for both novices and intermediate users, this book offers a brief introduction to wireless networking and identifies the most common internal and external pitfalls-and ways to avoid and correct them.

Thông tin trích dẫn: Caution! Wireless Networking: Preventing a data disaster. Jack Mc Cullough. NXB Wiley publishing Inc, 2004.

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The book Caution! Wireless Networking: Preventing a Data Disaster offers a brief introduction to wireless networking and identifies the most common internal and external pitfalls-and ways to avoid and correct them.

The contens of the book include 2 parts:

+ Part 1: Understanding the threat: A brief overview of Wifi; Network fundamentals and security concerns; The people behind the problem; Hijacking wifi; More wireless attacks; Wardriving; Viruses and wifi.

+ Part 2: Protecting yourself: Technical pitfalls and solutions; Wireless privacy concerns; Encrytion and wifi; Securing your WLAN; Protecting your wifi data.