Christmas in prague

In a house in Oxford three people are having breakfast – Carol, her husband Jan, and his father Josef. They are talking about Prague, because Carol wants them all to go there for Christmas. Josef was born in Prague, but he left his home city when he was a young man. He is an old man now, and he would like to see Prague again before he dies. But he is afraid. He still remembers another Christmas in Prague, many long years ago – a Christmas that changed his life for ever . . .

Thông tin trích dẫn: Christmas in prague. Joyce Hannam. NXB Oxford University Press, 2000.

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Do you khow everything about your family-your parents, your grandparents, your brothers or sisters, your uncles or aunts? Does your family know everything about you? All families have secrets – they can be big secrets, small secrets, things to laugh about, things to cry about.

Jan lives in Oxford with his English wife Carol and his father Josef, who is Czech, Jan was born in Prague but he came to English with his father when he was a baby. He never knew his mother – she died soon after he was bor. Anh he knows nothing about her because his father never talks about her. But Josef still carries a photograph of his wife in his pocket – after all these years.

Carol plays the harp in an orchestra and the orchestra is giving some concerts in Prague at Christmas. Carol wants to go and she wants Jan and Josef to go too. “Prague is a wonderful place” she says “For a family Chrismas”

But there family secrets wating for them in Prague – wonderful secrets, happy secrets and very sad secrets…