Computers in the medical office

Thông tin trích dẫn: Computers in the medical office. Sanderson, Susan M. NXB McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2009.

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Computers in the Medical Office (CiMO) presents step-by-step instructions to complete essential medical billing tasks using Medisoft® Advanced Version 19. CiMO shows not only what to do with authentic, hands-on activities, but also why those activities are important. Learn the skills you need for your health professions career using multiple digital resources.
Computers in the Medical Office (CiMO) presents step-by-step instructions to complete essential medical billing tasks using Medisoft® Advanced Version 19. CiMO shows not only what to do with authentic, hands-on activities, but also why those activities are important. Learn the skills you need for your health professions career using multiple digital resources.

The contents of this book include 4 parts:

+ Part 1: Introduction to computers in the medical office

+ Part 2: Medisoft advanced training

+ Part 3: Applying your knowledge

+ Part 4: Source documents