Contemporary communication systems

Thông tin trích dẫn: Contemporary communication systems. Mesiya, M. F. NXB McGraw-Hill, 2013.

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The book Contemporary Communication Systems provides a comprehensive introduction to analog and digital communication systems. In addition to a logical and easy-to-understand presentation of fundamental principles, the book engages students in the issues relevant to system and product implementation by integrating a discussion of theoretical concepts with extensive hands-on visual and simulation resources that reinforce learning.

The content of the book includes 15 chapters:

+ Chapter 1: Introduction to Contemporary communication systems

+ Chapter 2: Review of signals and linear systems

+ Chapter 3: Simulation of communication systems using MATLAB/Simulink

+ Chapter 4: Amplitude modulation

+ Chapter 5: Angle modulation

+ Chapter 6: Probability and random processes

+ Chapter 7: Noise performance of anolog communication systems

+ Chapter 8: Conversion of analog signals to digital format

+ Chapter 9: Digital baseband modulaton

+ Chapter 10: Detection of baseband signals in noise

+ Chapter 11: Digital information transmission using carrier modulation

+ Chapter 12: Digital signal transmission through time dispersive channels

+ Chapter 13: Digital multiplexing and synchronization

+ Chapter 14: Information theory and compression techniques

+ Chapter 15: Channel coding techniques.