Effective Presentations

For learners of Business English, making a presentation in English can be difficult and demanding. The presenter needs certain skills which go beyond the range of develops these skills. It can be used as a short, intensive specialist course, or integrated into a longer and more general Business English programme. It takes the learner systematically through the key stages of making presentations, from planning and introducing to concluding and handling question. However, each unit can also be used separately to focus on particular elements of giving presentations. By the end of their period of study, learners should be able to make clear, well-organized presentations in frond of an audience. The book consists of nine units, which correspond to those in the video. Each unit is divided into three sections; communication skills, language knowledge and presentation practice.

The communications skills section focuses on the key presentation skills demonstrated in the video. The language knowledge section looks at useful language for performing these skills. The presentation practice section allows the learner to put both communication skills and language knowledge into practice using realistic tasks, and their own ideas and experience.
Thông tin trích dẫn: Effective Presentations. Comfort,Jeremy. NXB Oxford University Press, 2004.
Vui lòng truy cập địa chỉ sau để download và biết thêm thông tin chi tiết: https://lic.haui.edu.vn/media/Book_NN/ng%C3%B4n%20ng%E1%BB%AF%20anh/effective.pdf
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