English for Tourism And Hospitallity 4

English for Tourism and Hospitality series aim to develop the ability tocommunicate in English for students specialized in Tourism and Hospitalityat Hanoi University of Industry. Different from other general Englishtextbooks, the topics and activities designed in the series have been carefullyselected to match the interests and meet the needs of students who arestudying and going to work in the field of tourism and hospitality. As acomponent of a blended learning program package, the series in used chieflyfor face-to-face lessons which operate along with an integrated program ofonline learning tasks. To address the diversity in the interests, Englishproficiency levels and learning styles of the student population, excessivecare has been taken to allow flexibility in selecting and adapting classroomactivities in response to students' current learning needs with high priorityplaced on speaking skills. A nice mixture of pair, group and individualactivities with authentic materials and close-to-real-life situations areintended to stimulate and maintain students' learning motivation throughoutthe courses.Unit Contents Chart:

Unit 1: Jobs in tourism and hospitality;

Unit 2: Areas at the airport;

Unit 3: Departures and arrivals;

Unit 4: Problems at the airport;

Unit 5: Hotel services;

Unit 6: Hotel reservations;

Unit 7: Special functions;

Unit 8: Problems at the hotel
Thông tin trích dẫn: English for Tourism And Hospitallity 4. Bui Thi Ngan (Chief auto). NXB Khoa học và Kỹ thuật, 2021.
Vui lòng truy cập địa chỉ sau để download và biết thêm thông tin chi tiết: https://lic.haui.edu.vn/media/Book_NN/ng%C3%B4n%20ng%E1%BB%AF%20anh/ti%E1%BA%BFng%20anh%20du%20l%E1%BB%8Bch%20ks%204.pdf
Bạn đọc có thể tìm thêm tài liệu tại Thư viện ĐH Công nghiệp Hà Nội tại địa chỉ: http://lib.haui.edu.vn/opac80/