Financial Accounting Tools for Business Decision Making, 7 Edition
Written in a concise, clear, and conversation way, Kimmel Financial Accounting 7th Edition Binder Ready Version provides just the right amount of information students need to come to class prepared, while powerful visuals and Interactive Tutorials make complex accounting concepts possible to absorb quickly. Starting with the big picture of financial statements first, Paul Kimmel shows students why financial accounting is important to their everyday lives, business majors, and future careers. This best-selling financial accounting text is known for the most relevant and easy to understand examples, while teaching students the accounting cycle through the lens of one consistent story of Sierra Corp, an outdoor adventure company.
Students get accounting when using Financial Accounting with Wiley Plus because we make learning accounting easy and accessible for today’s different types of learners. Written in a concise, clear, and conversation way, Financial Accounting provides just the right amount of information students need to come to class prepared, while powerful visuals and Interactive Tutorials make complex accounting concepts possible to absorb quickly. Starting with the big picture of financial statements first, Paul Kimmel shows students why financial accounting is important to their everyday lives, business majors, and future careers.
This best-selling financial accounting text is known for the most relevant and easy to understand examples, while teaching students the accounting cycle through the lens of one consistent story of Sierra Corp, an outdoor adventure company. The automatically graded WileyPLUS problem-solving experience imitates a blank sheet of paper with type-ahead for entering account titles, so that students use recall memory when they practice or do homework online. More students get accounting when using Financial Accounting with Wiley PLUS, because they can Read It, See It, Do It, Get It.
Thông tin trích dẫn: Financial Accounting Tools for Business Decision Making, 7 Edition. Paul D. Kimmel, Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso#Donald E. Kieso. NXB Wiley, United States of America.
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