Fiscal hangover : How to profit from the new global economy

Thông tin trích dẫn: Fiscal hangover : How to profit from the new global economy. Fitz-Gerald, Keith. NXB , 2010.

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With the collapse of investment banks, trillion-dollar-plus government bailouts, and decimated retirement portfolios, it's never been more important to understand the "new rules" of making money. Faced with the reality that "investing will never be the same again," Fiscal Hangover may well be the most important audiobook you'll listen to this year.

In one easy lesson after another, you'll discover exactly what it takes to profit - and profit grandly - from the simple ideas that form the basis of the new global economy.

For the first time in 200 years, American consumers are no longer the driving force behind the world's economy. And now, with Fiscal Hangover, Keith Fitz-Gerald - one of the world's leading experts on global investing - picks apart every important change and shows you the opportunities about to arise. You'll discover how the U.S. role in the world economy is shrinking at unheard-of rates; how and why government intervention may well prevent the U.S. markets from normalizing for years to come; why Asia could well become the center of the financial world; how and why China's yuan is quietly replacing the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency; and much more.

Most importantly, Fitz-Gerald shows you how to capitalize on each and every trend. His secrets are simple - and so is his advice: get ahead of the biggest movements in the global economy, and you'll be set for a lifetime of riches.