Handbook of Petroleum Product Analysis

Petroleum Analysis; Petroleum and Petroleum Products ; Gases; aphtha; Gasoline; Aviation Fuel; Kerosene; Diesel Fuel; Distillate Fuel Oil; Residual Fuel Oil; Mineral Oil (White Oil); Lubricating Oil; Grease; Wax; Asphalt; Coke;

Thông tin trích dẫn: Handbook of Petroleum Product Analysis. James G. Speight. NXB A JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC, 2002.

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Introduces the reader to the production of the products in a refinery

• Introduces the reader to the types of test methods applied to petroleum products, including the need for specifications
• Provides detailed explanations for accurately analyzing and characterizing modern petroleum products
• Rewritten to include new and evolving test methods
• Updates on the evolving test methods and new test methods as well as the various environmental regulations are presented