HBR guide to negotiating

Thông tin trích dẫn: HBR guide to negotiating. Weiss, Jeff. NXB Harvard Business Review Press, 2016.

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Whether you’re discussing the terms of a high-stakes deal, forming a key partnership, asking for a raise, or planning a family event, negotiating can be stressful. One person makes a demand, the other concedes a point. In the end, you settle on a subpar solution in the middle—if you come to any agreement at all.

But these discussions don’t need to be win-or-lose situations. Written by negotiation expert Jeff Weiss, the HBR Guide to Negotiating provides a disciplined approach to finding a solution that works for everyone involved. Using a seven-part framework, this book delivers tips and advice to move you from a game of concessions and compromises to one of collaboration and creativity, resulting in better outcomes and better working relationships. You’ll learn how to:

Prepare for your conversation
Understand everyone’s interests
Craft the right message
Work with multiple parties
Disarm aggressive negotiators
Choose the best solution


Section 1: Before You Get in the room: The best negotiator is the most prepared one

Section 2: In The room: Power comes from negotiating with discipline

Section 3: The common challenges: Tools and techniques you can use in specific situations

Section 4: Postgame: Careful review drives learning and improvement