HBR Guide to Your Professional Growth: Learn new skills Develop your potential Stay relevant

Thông tin trích dẫn: HBR Guide to Your Professional Growth: Learn new skills Develop your potential Stay relevant. . NXB Harvard Business Review Press, 2019.

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Don't wait for someone else to manage your career.

The days of HR-sponsored development plans are over. Managing your career--and the skills you need to be successful--is your responsibility. If you're looking to push yourself to the next level, it can be hard to determine where to start.

The HBR Guide to Your Professional Growth will be your coach, transforming your abstract hopes and ideas into a concrete action plan. No matter where you are in your career, this guide will help you:

Assess your current skills--and acquire new ones
Elicit feedback you can use
Set meaningful--and achievable--goals
Make time for learning
Play to your strengths
Identify your next challenge
Arm yourself with the advice you need to succeed on the job, from a source you trust. Packed with how-to essentials from leading experts, the HBR Guides provide smart answers to your most pressing work challenges.
