Local planning for terror and disaster : From bioterrorism to earthquakes

Local Planning for Terror and Disaster gives voice to experts in key fields involved with local preparedness, assessing the quality of preparedness in each field, and offering directions for improvement. Introductory chapters provide overviews of terror medicine, security and communications, which are indispensable to successful preparedness, while subsequent chapters concentrate on a particular field and how responders from that field communicate and interact with others during and after an event. Thus, a chapter by a physician discusses not only the doctor's role but how that role is, or should be, coordinated with emergency medical technicians and police. Similarly, chapters by law enforcement figures also review police responsibilities and interactions with nurses, EMTs, volunteers and other relevant responders.

Thông tin trích dẫn: Local planning for terror and disaster : From bioterrorism to earthquakes. Leonard A. Cole, Nancy D. Connell. NXB John Wiley & Sons, 2012.

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