Managerial economics theory, applications, and cases

Giới thiệu về kinh tế học quản lý. Nghiên cứu về nhu cầu và dự báo kinh tế. Sản xuất và chi phí. Cấu trúc thị trường, chiến lựơc hành vi và giá cả. Rủi ro, sự không chắc chắn và sự khuyến khích. Quan hệ giữa chính phủ, doanh nghiệp và thị trường toàn cầu

Thông tin trích dẫn: Managerial economics theory, applications, and cases. . NXB , 2002.

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The Fifth Edition of Managerial Economics heralds a new era for this classic text. Carrying on the tradition established by Edwin Mansfield in the book's earlier editions, Bruce Allen, Neil Doherty, and Keith Weigelt—all of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School—have prepared an exciting revision that capitalizes on proven strengths while embracing new developments in the field.

Retaining a hallmark of Managerial Economics, the authors include a wealth of cases and applications that consistently anchor the exposition in the real world of business decision making. New to the Fifth Edition is a greater focus on applied microeconomics, with two new chapters, one on auctions and another on the principal-agent problems of firms.

These new chapters, numerous new cases and applications throughout the book, and an exciting new package of electronic ancillaries promise to make the Fifth Edition of Managerial Economics the best yet..