Maverick real estate financing: The art of raising capital and owning properties like ross, sanders, and carery

Mô tả các phương pháp tài chính giúp bạn có thể sử dụng để đạt được thành công trong đầu tư bất động sản. Giới thiệu phương pháp, nguyên tắc đầu tư mà các chuyên gia bất động sản như: William Sanders, W.P.Carey và Stephen Ross đã sử dụng thành công.

Thông tin trích dẫn: Maverick real estate financing: The art of raising capital and owning properties like ross, sanders, and carery. Steve Bergsman. NXB John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2006.
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The content of the book describes financial methods that you can use to achieve success in real estate investing. Introducing investment methods and principles that real estate experts like: William Sanders, W.P.Carey and Stephen Ross have successfully used.

The content of the book includes 12 chapters:

+ Chapter 1: The most amazing real estate company ever again!

+ Chapter 2: Real estate loans

+ Chapter 3: Advantages and disadvantages of conduit loans

+ Chapter 4: Agency loans: easy way to finance multifamily

+ Chapter 5: Giving it up for equity financing

+ Chapter 6: A very useful subsidy

+ Chapter 7: Turning real estate ino capital

+ Chapter 8: Retail site arbitragee

+ Chapter 9: De stressing distressed mortgages

+ Chapter 10: Commingled capital

+ Chapter 11: Of reits and upreits

+ Chapter 12: The Reits that don’t trade publicly.