Modern Auditing

Nghiên cứu những vấn đề liên quan đến kiểm toán như: Môi trường kiểm toán: Nghiệp vụ, đạo đức nghề nghiệp, trách nhiệm pháp lí. Lập kế hoạch kiểm toán, phương pháp kiểm toán. Chu trình thực hiện kiểm toán. Hoàn thành công việc kiểm toán và báo cáo kết quả kiểm toán. Từ Khoát Kiểm toán

Thông tin trích dẫn: Modern Auditing. William C. Boynton; Raymond N. Johnson. NXB Wiley, 2001.

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Modern Auditing is designed primarily for the first course in auditing either at the undergraduate or graduate level. Materials in selected chapters and appendices and cited in chapter bibliographies, may also serve as the core for a second or advanced course in auditing.

Chapter 1 includes a discussion of the CPA Vision Project and introduces new assurance services that are emerging in the CPA profession

Chapter 2, and other material throughout the book, have been update to reflect the auditor's new responsibility for finding fraud based on SAS No.82.

The Chapter on legal liability is updated for developments since congress passed the Private Secuities Litigation Reform Act of 1995

Chapter 5 has been added to provide an overview of the audit process, includ-ing the delivery of value-added services that are a natural extension of the audi-tor's knowledge