New TOEIC Writing coach

The TOEIC – Test of English for International Communication – assesses language skills that are used in daily life and in the workplace. Today the TOEIC test is used as a certification tool in more than 9,000 organizations across 90 countries throughout the world, making it a globally recognized English proficiency assessment.

Since 2006 the optional TOEIC Speaking and Writing tests have been made available to ascertain test-takers’ level of English speaking and writing abilities in addition to the “standard” TOEIC, which tests only listening and reading abilities. The type and format of the questions in these optional tests are quite different from the standard test because TOEIC Speaking and Writing tests are computer-based. However, as with the standard test, all questions are designed to represent the real-world business situations and evaluate the test-takers’ ability to communicate in such situations.

The new tests will certainly pose new challenges to test-takers as there are new question types and formats to be familiar with and new tactics and skills to be acquired. TOEIC Writing coach is designed to help you best prepare for the TOEIC Writing test by introducing all the question types and guiding you through the process of dealing with the questions. Special features of the book include:
Thông tin trích dẫn: New TOEIC Writing coach. San Francisco Education Consulting. NXB Tổng hợp Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, 2011.
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