Programming the web using XML

An overview of the XML programming language. So let's compare HTML, XHTML and XML. The basic principles in XML. Rules and attributes in the DTD. Schema, linked documentation, integrated database. Design service for web page

Thông tin trích dẫn: Programming the web using XML. Ellen Pearlman; Eileen Mullin. NXB McGraw-Hill, 2004.

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"Programming the Web Using XML" is designed to help those who have a background in HTML make the transition to XML, is designed to ensure that those who are new to Web design get the best introduction possible into developing sites in XML. The book begins with a comparison of HTML, XHTML, and XML, and includes real-life examples of how XML is being used today to help readers appreciate the power of XML. It also provides comprehensive coverage of the rules and standards for XML, which is very critical in programming XML. After completing this book, users will receive a comprehensive foundation to the rules and standards of XML syntax, complete with a series of lessons that walk he/she through the process of creating XML documents and related files.

The content of this book includes 14 chaptes:

+ Chapter 1: An overview of XML

+ Chapter 2: Comparing HTML, XHTML, and XML

+ Chapter 3: Understanding how XML works: The fundamentals

+ Chapter 4: Creat document type definitions

+ Chapter 5: Schemas

+ Chapter 6: Using XML parsers and unicade

+ Chapter 7: Applying cascading style sheets

+ Chapter 8: Applying extensible style sheets

+ Chapter 9: Linking XML documents

+ Chapter 10: Scripting with the DOM

+ Chapter 11: Scalable vector graphics

+ Chapter 12: XMIL

+ Chapter 13: Integrating databases with XML

+ Chapter 14: Web services