Statistics tutor: Tutorial and computational software for the behavioral sciences second edition

This comprehensive software tutorial program and exercise manual makes use of the computer to tackle and present to readers conceptually-difficult statistical concepts. Users are introduced to a variety of difficult concepts in a truly dynamic way.

Thông tin trích dẫn: Statistics tutor: Tutorial and computational software for the behavioral sciences second edition. Joseph D. Allen; David J. Pittenger. NXB Jonh Wiley & Sons, 2000.

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The tutorial analyzes and instantly graphs data from its database or from student input. Its fully developed statistical package permits students to enter parametric or nonparametric data and analyze it. This program is powerful enough to handle complex analyses of variance employing multi-factorial between repeated and mixed designs, together with follow-up post-test comparisons--and the graphics appear on-screen very quickly. A Data Manager program permits quick and efficient data entry and storage.

An easy-to-use, interactive program and study guide that teaches basic statistics concepts. The tutorial analyzes and instantly graphs data from its database or from student input. Its fully developed statistical package permits students to enter parametric or nonparametric data and analyze it. This program is powerful enough to handle complex analyses of variance employing multi-factorial between repeated and mixed designs, together with follow-up post-test comparisons--and the graphics appear on-screen very quickly. A Data Manager program permits quick and efficient data entry and storage.