Stories from the five towns

Arnold Bennett is famous for his stories about the Five Towns and the people who live there. They look and sound just like other people, and, like all of us, sometimes they do some very strange things. There's Sir Jee, who is a rich businessman. So why is he making a plan with a burglar? Then there is Toby Hall. Why does he decide to visit Number 11 Child Row, and who does he find there? And then there are the Hessian brothers and Annie Emery - and the little problem of twelve thousand pounds. (2008-01-30)

Thông tin trích dẫn: Stories from the five towns. Arnold Bennett. NXB O.U.P, 2000.

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Bursley, Hanbridge, Knype, Longshaw, Turnhill- these are the Five Towns of Arnold Bennett’d stories, set in the English Midlands in the early 1900s. Today the Five Towns are the city of Stoke – on – Trent but the place is still famous for its pottery …and for the people in Arnold Bennett’s stories.

They are not famous or important people. They work in shops and factories; they fall in, and out of, love; they argue and they quarrel. Sometimes they are clever and successful and sometimes they do very stupid things. Philip has some important news to tell his mother, but he is also going to get a big surprise…Sir Jee hates his portrait, but what can he do about it? It was a present from the people of the Five Towns…At Knype station, Tony Hall suddenly decides to take the train to Turnhill, but why? Then there are John and Robert. They are brothers, they live in the same house, they eat meals together – and neither has said a single word to the other for ten years…