The children of the New Forest

Nhuững đứa trẻ của khu rừng mới

Thông tin trích dẫn: The children of the New Forest. Captain Marryat. NXB O.U.P, 2000.

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It is 1947 and the four Beverley children – Edward Humphrey, Alice and little Edith are in hiding in the New Forest. The King of England is in prison and there is fighting everywhere in the country – Cromwell’s men against the King’s men. And if you are a friend of the King, you are great danger.

The children’s father died while fighting for the King, their mother is dead, Cromwell’s soldiers have burnt their home and they have no money, no food, nothing. But they have one true friend – old Jacob Armitage. So now with Jacob to help them, they must learn to live off the land to hunt for meat in the forest to plant vegetables to look after the pigs and chickens.

But Cromwell’s men are everywhere and the children must learn never to say their name is Beverley…


Story Introduction

1. Escape

2. Life in the Forest

3. Edward goes visiting

4. Secretary to Mr Hetherstone

5. Soldies of King