• Hợp tác phát triển Hai hành lang một vành đai Kinh tế: Việt Nam - Trung Quốc trong bối cảnh mới

    Hợp tác phát triển Hai hành lang một vành đai Kinh tế: Việt Nam - Trung Quốc trong bối cảnh mới

    Tóm tắt Cuốn sách là kỷ yếu Hội thảo khoa học “Hai hành lang một vành đai kinh tế Việt Nam – Trung Quốc trong bối cảnh mới” do Viện Nghiên cứu Trung Quốc (Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học xã hội Việt Nam) và Viện Nghiên cứu Ngôn ngữ và Văn hóa các nước Á – Phi (Đại học Ngoại ngữ Tokyo, Nhật Bản) đồng tổ chức. Hợp tác phát triển hai hành lang một...

     10 p haui 23/09/2022 128 0

  • Getting Work Done: Prioritize your work, Be more efficient, Take control of your time.

    Getting Work Done: Prioritize your work, Be more efficient, Take control of your time.

    Abstract There's always more work to be done. How do you make sure you'll finish your most important tasks and make progress in your key projects by the end of the day? This book runs you through the basics of prioritizing your work, staying focused, delegating tasks and using technology to help you get more done. About HBR's 20-Minute Manager Series: Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skills with HBR's...

     5 p haui 23/09/2022 65 0

  • Global Dexterity: How to Adapt Your Behavior across Cultures without Losing Yourself in the Process

    Global Dexterity: How to Adapt Your Behavior across Cultures without Losing Yourself in the Process

    Abstract What does it mean to be a global worker and a true “citizen of the world” today? It goes beyond merely acknowledging cultural differences. In reality, it means you are able to adapt your behavior to conform to new cultural contexts without losing your authentic self in the process. Not only is this difficult, it’s a frightening prospect for most people and something completely outside their comfort zone. But managing and...

     5 p haui 23/09/2022 97 0

  • Get Backed: Craft your story, build the Perfect Pitch deck; launch the venture of your dreams

    Get Backed: Craft your story, build the Perfect Pitch deck; launch the venture of your dreams

    Abstract Get Backed isn’t just about startup fundraising. It’s a handbook for anyone who has an idea and needs to build relationships to get it off the ground. Over the last 3 years, entrepreneurs Evan Loomis and Evan Baehr have raised $45 million for their own ventures, including the second largest round on the fundraising platform AngelList. In Get Backed, they show you exactly what they and dozens of others did to raise money—even...

     4 p haui 23/09/2022 165 0

  • Getting Beyond Better : How social entrepreneurship works

    Getting Beyond Better : How social entrepreneurship works

    Abstract In this compelling book, strategy guru Roger L. Martin and Skoll Foundation President and CEO Sally R. Osberg describe how social entrepreneurs target systems that exist in a stable but unjust equilibrium and transform them into entirely new, superior, and sustainable equilibria. All of these leaders--call them disrupters, visionaries, or changemakers--develop, build, and scale their solutions in ways that bring about the truly...

     4 p haui 23/09/2022 77 0

  • Gold The Once and Future Money

    Gold The Once and Future Money

    Abstract For most of the last three millennia, the world’s commercial centers have used one or another variant of a gold standard. It should be one of the best understood of human institutions, but it’s not. It’s one of the worst understood, by both its advocates and detractors. Though it has been spurned by governments many times, this has never been due to a fault of gold to serve its duty, but because governments had other plans for...

     5 p haui 23/09/2022 149 0

  • Getting Started in Six Sigma

    Getting Started in Six Sigma

    Abstract Six Sigma is designed to achieve excellence in customer service and measure deviation from the ideal. It provides a process for placing value on the intangible nature of quality control. The underlying theories of Six Sigma are highly technical and complex. This book is a basic guide to those who are new to the concept, and though this is a complex subject, the concepts involved are not too complex for readers to grasp. Getting...

     5 p haui 23/09/2022 72 0

  • Study guide for use with princiles of macroeconomics second edition

    Study guide for use with princiles of macroeconomics second edition

    Abstract Each chapter parallels closely the content of the corresponding chapter in my text Principles of Macroeconomics, seventh edition. In order to give comprehensive and varied coverage, a six pronged approach has been developed: 1. Chapter Profiles provide an outline of each chapter, and Behavioral Objectives highlight the major concepts to be learned. 2. Case Studies show how the chapter's principles and concepts can be applied to...

     7 p haui 23/09/2022 87 0

  • Hướng dẫn khai thác Thư viện số Trường ĐH Công Nghiệp Hà Nội

    Hướng dẫn khai thác Thư viện số Trường ĐH Công Nghiệp Hà Nội

    Tài liệu Hướng dẫn khai thác Thư viện số Trường ĐH Công Nghiệp Hà Nội bao gồm các mục chính sau: 1. Hướng dẫn đăng nhập tài khoản 2. Hướng dẫn tìm kiếm tài liệu 3. Hướng dẫn download tài liệu 4. Hướng dẫn upload tài liệu 5. Hướng dẫn chia sẻ tài liệu 6. Hướng dẫn tạo Bộ sưu tập 7. Hướng dẫn quản lý tài khoản các nhân 8. Hướng...

     25 p haui 22/09/2022 736 2

  • The Portable Financial Analyst What Practitions Need to Know

    The Portable Financial Analyst What Practitions Need to Know

    Abstract Financial professionals are faced with increasingly technical topics that are theoretically complicated but practically necessary in determining the trade-off between risk and return. The Portable Financial Analyst, Second Edition is a unique collection of essays that address the heart of every analyst's and investor's dilemma: how to make decisions in the face of unknown forces and how to assert some control over the outcome.

     6 p haui 22/09/2022 44 0

  • The Real World of Finance

    The Real World of Finance

    Abstract The Real World of Finance focuses on twelve traditional finance concepts that have been turned upside-down in the last ten years and guides the reader through new finance models so they can implement change in their own organizations. Interspersed throughout the text are examples of what Fortune 500 companies are doing to adapt their financial systems to the 21st century. James Sagner (White Plains, NY) is a Principal of Sagner/Marks...

     8 p haui 22/09/2022 51 0

  • How to manage profit and cash flow For entrepreneurs, managers and business

    How to manage profit and cash flow For entrepreneurs, managers and business

    Abstract "Finally, a book that provides invaluable hands-on financial and accounting concepts for use by the thousands of frontline business owners and managers battling for survival each and every day. While 'Wall Street' gets the headlines, 'Main Street' gets the job done." -Robert Svet, CEO, President, & Founder, The Eastridge Group of Staffing Companies "In today's competitive business environment, decisions must be made in a quick,...

     5 p haui 21/09/2022 75 0

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