» Từ khóa: chemdraw chemical structure

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  • ChemDraw chemical structure drawing Standard

    ChemDraw chemical structure drawing Standard

    Introduction; ChemDraw Basics; Tutorials; Drawing Chemical Structures; Struct<=>Name; Drawing Captions and Atom Labels; Drawing Orbitals, Symbols, Arrows, Arcs, and Other Shapes; Manipulating Drawings; Advanced Drawing Techniques; Working With Structures; Drawing Query Structures; Working With Page Layout; Sharing Information; ChemDraw/Excel; Thông tin trích dẫn: ChemDraw chemical structure drawing Standard. User Guide. NXB CambridgeSoft,...

     10 p haui 21/06/2022 18 0

    Từ khóa: ChemDraw;Chemical structure, Công nghệ Hóa, Môi trường, User Guide

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