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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management
ligence. Thông tin trích dẫn: Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management. Connolly,Thomas M. NXB Pearson, 2020. Vui lòng truy cập địa chỉ sau để download và biết thêm thông tin chi tiết: https://lic.haui.edu.vn/media/Book%20C%C3%B4ng%20ngh%E1%BB%87%20th%C3%B4ng%20tin/database.pdf Bạn đọc có thể tìm thêm tài liệu tại Thư viện ĐH Công nghiệp Hà Nội tại địa...
27 p haui 21/06/2022 76 0
Từ khóa: Database; Systems, Công nghệ thông tin, Connolly, Thomas M
Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management
Introduction to Databases; Database Environment; Database Architectures and the Web; The Relational Model and Languages; Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus; SQL: Data Manipulation; SQL: Data Definition; Advanced SQL; Object-Relational DBMSs; Database System Development Lifecycle; Database Analysis and the DreamHome Case Study; Entity-Relationship Modeling; Enhanced Entity-Relationship Modeling; Normalization; Advanced Normalization;...
p haui 21/06/2022 71 0
Từ khóa: Database; Systems, Công nghệ thông tin, Connolly, Thomas
Database Systems The Complete Book
Intruction to the worlds of Database systems, relational database modeling design theory for relational databases high-level database models, algebraic and logical query languages, the database languge SQL constraints and triggers, views and relational databases, the semistrured- Date model, programming language for XML, secondary storage management, index structures, query Excution. Thông tin trích dẫn: Database Systems The Complete Book....
0 p haui 21/06/2022 86 0
Từ khóa: Database; Systems, Công nghệ thông tin, Garcia-Molina, Hector#Ullman, Jeffrey#Widon, Jennifer