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Danh mục TaiLieu.VN
Prepare for IELTS the IELTS preparation course
The manifest purpose of a preparation course for a specific test is to give stu-dents the background knowledge and practice materials in the prescribed for-mat to enable them to obtain acceptable scores on the test itseli The author ofthis course has fulfilled this requirement admirably, with clear and appropriateexplanations of what is expected of the students, along with practical exercisesthat guide students to the achievement of their...
5 p haui 21/06/2022 58 0
Từ khóa: Ielts, Ngôn ngữ, Tiếng Anh, Penny Cameron
English has not only become an international language, but more and more people around the world are using it as a means of learning at the university level. To help universities select students with sufficient English skills to study in their courses, the IELTS test was introduced in 1989 to test “whether candidates are prepared to study or train in the environment.” English is not". The IELTS test is now used for this purpose all over...
5 p haui 21/06/2022 83 0
Từ khóa: Ielts, Ngôn ngữ, Tiếng Anh, Penny Cameron