» Từ khóa: peter chapple

Kết quả 1-1 trong khoảng 1
  • Principles of Hydraulic System Design

    Principles of Hydraulic System Design

    HydrAuLic Power trAnsmission And its controL; HydrostAtic PumPs And motors; HydrAuLic cyLinders; Pressure controL VALVes; fLow controL VALVes; AnciLLAry equiPment; circuit design; fLow Processes in HydrAuLic systems; oPerAting efficiencies of PumPs And motors; controL system design; PerformAnce AnALysis; systems managements Thông tin trích dẫn: Principles of Hydraulic System Design. Peter Chapple. NXB Conmoor Publishing Company, 2003. Vui...

     10 p haui 21/06/2022 30 0

    Từ khóa: Principles;Hydraulic, Công nghệ Ô tô, Peter Chapple

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