Linux command line and shell scripting bible

Thông tin trích dẫn: Linux command line and shell scripting bible. Blum, Richard. NXB Wiley Publishing, 2011.

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The book Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible is your essential Linux guide. With detailed instruction and abundant examples, this book teaches you how to bypass the graphical interface and communicate directly with your computer, saving time and expanding capability.

The content of the book includes 4 parts:

+ Part 1: The Linux command line

+ Part 2: Shell scripting basics

+ Part 3: Advanced shell scripting

+ Part 4: advanced shell scripting topics

This new edition is packed with new and revised content, reflecting the many changes to new Linux versions, including coverage of alternative shells to the default bash shell. For this edition, the author has teamed up with another Linux expert ? with their shared expertise, they take you beyond the basics of shell scripting and guide you through using shell scripting for higher-level applications that are commonly found in Linux environments. In addition, this edition features a host of real-world examples, so you can see...