Polymer chemistry: An introduction

Contents about polymer structure and properties: Basic principles, molecular weight and polymer solutions; chemical structure and polymer morphology; chemical structure and polymer properties; evaluation, characterization, and analysis of polymers. Vinyl polymers: free radical polymerization; lonic polymerization; vinyl polymerization with complex coordination catalysts; reactions of vinyl polymers;. Monvinyl polymers: Step-reaction and ring-opening polymerization; polymers, polysulfides and related polymers; polyesters; polyamides and related polymers; phenol urea and melamine formaldahyde polymers; heterocyclic polymers; inorganic and partially inorganic polymers; miscellaneous organic polymers; natura polymers.
Thông tin trích dẫn: Polymer chemistry: An introduction. Stevens, Malcolm P.. NXB Oxford University Press, 2009.
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