• Principles of micro economics 2e

    Principles of micro economics 2e

    Abstract In recent years, innovative texts in mathematics, science, foreign languages, and other fields have achieved dramatic pedagogical gains by abandoning the traditional encyclopedic approach in favor of teaching a shorter list of core principles in depth. Two well-respected writers and researchers, Bob Frank and Ben Bernanke, have shown that the less-is-more approach affords similar gains in introductory economics. The authors introduce...

     11 p haui 23/09/2022 98 0

  • International Management

    International Management

    Abstract International Management: Managing in a Diverse and Dynamic Global Environment offers a modern perspective of international management rooted in a recognized framework. The framework follows the generally accepted course structure beginning with the macro-environment, then moves to the firm level, and concludes with the individual manager in the international setting. This traditional framework is embellished with modern chapters on...

     11 p haui 23/09/2022 84 0

  • The Rise of the Platform Marketer: Performance Marketing with Google, Facebook, and Twitter, Plus the Latest High-Growth Digital Advertising Platforms

    The Rise of the Platform Marketer: Performance Marketing with Google, Facebook, and Twitter, Plus the Latest High-Growth Digital Advertising Platforms

    Abstract The Rise of the Platform Marketer helps you leverage the "always-on" consumer to deliver more personalized engagements across media, channels, and devices. By managing these interactions at scale throughout the customer lifecycle, you can optimize the value of your customers and segments through strategic use of Connected CRM (cCRM). This book shows you how to take advantage of the massive growth and proliferation of social and other...

     7 p haui 23/09/2022 91 0

  • The Soft Edge: Where Great Companies Find Lasting Success

    The Soft Edge: Where Great Companies Find Lasting Success

    Abstract Karlgaard examined a variety of enduring companies and found that they have one thing in common; all have leveraged their deepest values alongside strategy and execution, allowing them to fuel growth as well as weather hard times. Karlgaard shares these stories and identifies the five key variables that make up every organization’s “soft edge”: Trust: Northwestern Mutual has built a $25 million dollar revenue juggernaut on...

     10 p haui 23/09/2022 76 0

  • Breakthrough: How Great Companies Set Outrageous Objectives and Achieve Them

    Breakthrough: How Great Companies Set Outrageous Objectives and Achieve Them

    Abstract Breakthrough - Das Ziel dieses Buches ist einfach: Es will Führungskräften dabei helfen, ihre Teams zu einzigartiger Leistung anzuspornen und dem Unternehmen aussergewöhnliche Ergebnisse zu bescheren. Indem Führungskräfte ein gro angelegtes, scheinbar unrealistisches Ziel setzen - kein Ziel, das leicht erreichbar ist - können sie die Stärke, die Motivation und die Zusammenarbeit im Team fördern, um dieses unrealistisch...

     4 p haui 23/09/2022 69 0

  • Microeconomics: Principles, Problems, & Policies

    Microeconomics: Principles, Problems, & Policies

    Abstract The 17th Edition builds upon the tradition of leadership by sticking to 3 main goals: help the beginning student master the principles essential for understanding the economizing problem, specific economic issues, and the policy alternatives; help the student understand and apply the economic perspective and reason accurately and objectively about economic matters; and promote a lasting student interest in economics and the economy....

     10 p haui 23/09/2022 110 0

  • Conscious Capitalism Field Guide: Tools for Transforming Your OrganizationJohn Mackey

    Conscious Capitalism Field Guide: Tools for Transforming Your OrganizationJohn Mackey

    Abstract You subscribe to the basic idea that business can do more than make money, but you're not sure how to act on that conviction or how to share it with the rest of your organization. The Conscious Capitalism Field Guide--the authoritative follow-up to the bestselling book Conscious Capitalism, by John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, and leadership expert Raj Sisodia--gives you the tools for sharing and implementing the principles of...

     5 p haui 23/09/2022 132 0

  • Basic Business Communication: Skills For Empowering the Internet Generation w/Student CD, B-Comm Skill Booster, and PowerWeb

    Basic Business Communication: Skills For Empowering the Internet Generation w/Student CD, B-Comm Skill Booster, and PowerWeb

    Abstract Exciting new student resources, including a subscription to the Merriam Webster Collegiate website and an enhanced CD-ROM, allow students to practice and master concepts in fun and interesting ways. BBC attends to the dynamic, fast-paced, and ever-changing means by which business communication occurs by being the most technologically current and pedagogically effective books in the field. It has realistic examples that are both...

     10 p haui 23/09/2022 90 0

  • Foundations of economic value added second edition

    Foundations of economic value added second edition

    Abstract An updated look at the role of economic profit analysis in the process of wealth creation Grant explains the pivotal role of economic value added (EVA) in the theory of finance, how to measure EVA with standard accounting adjustments, how to use EVA to value companies and their stock, and how to use economic profit principles to identify wealth-creating firms, industries, and even market economies.

     5 p haui 23/09/2022 80 0

  • The power of gold: The history of an obsession

    The power of gold: The history of an obsession

    Abstract In this exciting new book, Peter L. Bernstein, who chronicled the evolution of risk in his recent bestseller, Against the Gods, tells the story of history′s most coveted, celebrated, and inglorious asset: gold. From the ancient fascinations of Moses and Midas through the modern convulsions caused by the gold standard and its aftermath, gold has led many of its most eager and proud possessors to a bad end. Gold had them, rather than...

     5 p haui 23/09/2022 156 0

  • Hỏi đáp pháp luật về ngân hàng thương mại

    Hỏi đáp pháp luật về ngân hàng thương mại

    Tóm tắt Ngân hàng thương mại đã hình thành, tồn tại và phát triển hàng trám năm gắn liền với sự phát triển của kinh tê hàng hóa. Sự phát triển của hệ thống ngân hàng thương mại có tác động rất lớn đến quá trình phát triển của nền kinh tế hàng hóa, ngược lại kinh tế hàng hóa phát triển mạnh mẽ đến giai đoạn cao nhất là nền kinh tế...

     10 p haui 23/09/2022 157 0

  • Lịch sử các học thuyết kinh tế

    Lịch sử các học thuyết kinh tế

    Tóm tắt Cuốn sách trình bày những nội dung về đối tượng và phương pháp nghiên cứu môn lịch sử các học thuyết kinh tế; Tư tưởng kinh tế thời cổ đại và trung cổ; Học thuyết kinh tế; Sự hình thành và phát triển khoa kinh tế chính trị; Những trào lưu phê phán kinh tế chính trị tư sản cổ điển; Học thuyết kinh tế chính trị Mac- Lê nin; Các lý...

     10 p haui 23/09/2022 97 0

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