Great employees only: How gifted bossed hire and De - Hire their way to success

Gồm những bài viết nghiên cứu về quản lý nguồn nhân lực con người. Đưa ra một số phương pháp điều hành của người quản lý. Các cách thức tuyển chọn nhân sự. Thái độ của người quản lý và phương pháp quản lý nhân sự

Thông tin trích dẫn: Great employees only: How gifted bossed hire and De - Hire their way to success. Dale Dauten. NXB John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2006.

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Bạn đọc có thể tìm thêm tài liệu tại Thư viện ĐH Công nghiệp Hà Nội tại địa chỉ:

"A mediocre employee in your group is more than one mediocre employee--he or she is a human multiplier-effect, to the downside. If you have even one mediocre employee, you have announced to the world that mediocrity is okay by you, while conceding that you are willing to slow the entire group for the sake of the worst employee.
Thus, allowing that one person to stay is not being kind or generous; it's dangerous. It's dangerous for the individual, who knows that, at some level, he or she is doing second-rate work, and who you are locking into mediocrity, and it is dangerous for the group, which is slowed and distracted."
--from (Great) Employees Only
"Dauten will challenge every preconceived notion you have about making your career take off."
--Harvey Mackay, author of Swim With the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive
"You'll rediscover the joy that's missing in your career, your coworkers, and yourself."
--Ken Elkins, former president and CEO, Pulitzer Broadcasting Company.



Part 1: The Formula for Leadership Success

Part 2: From Employees to Allies

Part 3: The Graceful Art of De-Hiring

Part 4: Inspiring, Effortless Leadership

Part 5: Hiring Is What You Do So You Don’t Hoave to Manage (and It’s What You Do with Some of the Time You Save Not Having to Manage)

Part 6: Understanding Bureaucrats, Upper Management, and Other Distractions