Management Tips From Harvard Business Review

Thông tin trích dẫn: Management Tips From Harvard Business Review. Harvard Business School. NXB Harvard Business Review Press, 2011.

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Quick, practical management advice from Harvard Business Review to help you do your job better. Drawing from HBR's popular Management Tip of the Day newsletter, this concise, handy guide is packed with easy-to-read tips on a broad range of topics, organized into three major skills every manager must master:Managing yourselfManaging your teamManaging your businessManagement Tips: From Harvard Business Review puts the best management practices and insights, from top thinkers in the field, right at your fingertips. Pick it up any time you have a few minutes to spare, and you'll have a fresh, powerful idea you can immediately put into action. With this handy book as your guide, you'll stand the best chance of succeeding in your role as a manager